Am I the only one who goes ga ga for floral fabrics? The crazier the better. Unfortunately, I've been talked out of buying skirts or dresses that were deemed "too old ladyish" but no more! I've decided to embrace the crazy little old woman inside of me. I scored this skirt at Goodwill for $2.50. It was from Arden B originally and still had the price tags on. Whoo hoo! It has a zipper that is supposed to be worn in the front, but I can't be bothered with all that business. I love how nineties I feel in floral and I think I'm going to start humming The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme whenever I'm getting dressed.
I was at the Weston Observatory {built in 1896}in Manchester. It is dangerously close to my apartment, so I might go back for some outfit shoots. I wish I could have gone to the top and check out the view, but instead I get to read the charming graffiti someone left on the cannons in front of the tower.
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