Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another Year Down

Bike: awesome. Basket: awesome. $5 book sale at the library: awesome. Pink shoes: awesome. Sexy white socks: most awesome.

Despite the scare of my life, my taxes are filed & I can officially say I am getting back a meager amount.
Meh. On the other hand, that little, "Your taxes have been filed for another year" message from TurboTax brought great joy to my life and a weight off my shoulders. They had better be done, according to my friendlings I missed free cone day at Ben & Jerry. ::mumble grumble::

The scare came when I thought I had lost one of my W-2 forms. I wouldn't get a new one sent to me in a decent time frame under normal circumstances, let alone 5 days before taxes are due. I knew I had put it somewhere safe though. After all, I may be known to store my social security card in my napkin holder on occasion, but I am less scatterbrained about my other important documents.

Last week, my friends welcomed their handsome little gent into the world and last weekend my adorable little nieces spent the night. We went bike riding, enjoyed the IMMENSELY wonderful warming temperatures outside, made homemade donuts {with applesauce instead of yogurt} and ate breakfast out on the deck. Did I mention that we watched Anastasia 3 or 4 times also? It might be an exaggeration, but who knows. My soon-to-be-3-year-old niece is obsessed with that movie.

I also discovered a most glorious new game. Glorious is code for: Game that doesn't take a long time to play and I can crush my opponents at least 1/2 the time. Ubongo Duel, I am giving you my game-loving heart... for the time being. Scrabble Apple may nab your place in the spotlight at some point.

In other news, now that the weather is finally warming up, I can take some pictures and get this blog really rolling.

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